Will braces interfere with my hobbies?

Experiencing orthodontic treatment and having braces should not get in the way of your favourite hobbies such as a sporting activity or playing a musical instrument. The good news is that braces are designed to fit as seamlessly as possible into a patient’s lifestyle because orthodontists don’t want you or your child to have to […]
Top 5 Tips for Surviving the First Week in Braces

You may have many questions during the first few days of getting your braces on. You may be thinking… What should I eat? Will I experience any discomfort? Will I ever get used to the feeling of braces? Our Team at Mehta Orthodontics is here to the rescue! Our 5 top tips to help you […]
Happy Halloween

The month of October can mean fun dress-ups, the excitement of trick or treating and possibly lots of sugary treats for you to enjoy. Although it is nice to indulge in a lolly or chocolate once in a while, especially during Halloween, it is important to look after your braces or aligners during this time […]
Brushing With Braces – A Five Star Routine

One of the most important aspects of your orthodontic treatment is ensuring you maintain an exceptional brushing routine. Brushing is not only important for the health of your teeth and gums, but also ensures that you are not left with any permanent scars on your teeth which are very difficult to remove. Scars occur when […]
Mehta Orthodontics Has Re-Opened

The Australian Dental Association and Australian Government have recommended that all restrictions placed on dental practices be reduced to implement Level 2 Restrictions. This means that we can deliver ongoing orthodontic services to our patients. While there are still some restrictions regarding the types of procedures we can perform, we can begin seeing patients again. We will […]

While cheap DIY braces might sound tempting, don’t be fooled. Orthodontics Australia (the Orthodontic Society’s public advice channel) is strongly urging consumers to be wary of the safety risks of cheap, DIY orthodontic products now being offered in Australia. https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/consumer-alert-mail-order-orthodontic-treatments/ These do-it-yourself (DIY) products are sold direct to consumers, often at a low cost and […]