LightForce or Invisalign – which option do I choose?

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When it comes to orthodontic treatment, there are various options available to help you achieve the smile you want. Two of the many forms of treatment provided at Mehta Orthodontics are LightForce Braces and Invisalign Aligners. Both treatment methods offer effective solutions in correcting your smile, but which method is the right choice for you? […]

Why Digital Technologies are Dramatically Improving Orthodontic Results

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At Mehta Orthodontics we understand the importance of digital advancements in the orthodontic world. We are already at the forefront of technology with our digital scans and clear aligner technology.  We are excited to announce we are now the first orthodontic practice in Australia to have Lightforce 3D printing. Haven’t heard about Lightforce 3D braces? […]